Resources for Forgiveness

We care. We have recommended readings and resources from our team to support you on your forgiveness journey.

Recommended Reads

  • The Covering, by Rosie Hill

    Rosie’s personal memoir, The Covering: A True Journey, describes her search for answers and reveals the deep truths she discovered. Her journey may have begun with the question, “Why me?” But it eventually expanded to include all of humanity—asking simply, “Why?”

    Whatever obstacles you face—abuse, discrimination, loss, or low self-esteem—there is a way through them. By sharing her own story, Rosie reveals the path we all can follow toward truth and a life lived with joy. Her story inspires the courage to hope for change and step out in faith on our own journey.

  • Forgiving Them, by Rosie Hill

    A spiritual memoir that offers an honest depiction of the task to forgive, in all its ups and downs, Forgiving Them humbly shares the story of a woman searching for her true life and real love. Full of biblical wisdom and encouragement, Hill’s journey will inspire you to take a fresh look at your own life.

  • Neurotheology Reveals the Covert Bondage of Unforgiveness, by Rosie Hill

    The relationship between brain function and forgiveness cannot be disputed. However, it has taken one woman’s daring foray into an entirely new area ;Neurodiagnostic Technologist Rosie M. Hill’s fascinating book, Neurotheology Reveals The Covert Bondage of Unforgiveness ;to explain clearly and passionately how unforgiveness is associated with brain function, and how learning to trust in the teaching of God will not only heal the bitterness we experience in relationships, but lead us to more joyful and fulfilling lives.

  • Forgiveness versus the Covert Bondage of Unforgiveness, by Rosie Hill

    In Rosie M. Hill’s workbook Forgiveness Versus the Covert Bondage of Unforgiveness, the neurodiagnostic technologist and respected author re-explores the material covered in Neurotheology Reveals the Covert Bondage of Unforgiveness. This informative and uplifting workbook emphasizes the link between behavior, spirituality, and the process of forgiveness. As before, Hill uses her own history of childhood abuse to lay out a compelling argument for living as God intended us to live: helping one another and calling upon the strength of His intentions to free us from the bondage of our own intransigence. After all, Hill proposes, what creates a stronger life force than forgiving ourselves, others, and accepting the love of God? And what forms a greater sense of bondage—emotional and spiritual—than the inability to turn away from the deception of Satan? Whether an individual, group, or organization focused on a richer life and more satisfying relationships, this book delivers at every level.

  • Peace by Piece, by Sandra Kellogg Roth

    “As I hung up the phone, the enormity of what had just been given to me seemed to smother the life inside of me..I was a Holocaust survivor.” Having grown up in post-WWII Poland, Peter Loth knew very little about his past. As an adult, even the few details Peter thought he understood about his life began to unravel. With the help of the American Red Cross, Peter discovered a piece of his past that would change everything – he had been born in Stutthof Concentration Camp. In this gripping memoir, Peter embarks on a painful journey back to his childhood full of abuse, loneliness, and hatred. As Peter wrestles with his anger and bitterness standing in the remains of his birthplace almost 60 years later, God breaks in. Peter learns how to give and receive forgiveness, which transforms his life and brings him the peace he has been searching for.

  • Once an Arafat Man: The True Story of How a PLO Sniper Found a New Life, by Tass Saada

    Born in the Gaza Strip and reared as a refugee in Saudi Arabia and Auatar, became a sniper for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as a young man. He also served as Yassar Arafat’s chauffeur. With co-author Dean Merrill, Saada retraces his life’s journey from hatred to love in Once an Arafat Man: The True Story of How a PLO Sniper Found a New Life. Saada encountered Christ in a Damascaus road-like experience when he relocated to America at the age of 23. This experience not only infused his life with purpose, but also shifted his theological understanding and perspective on interracial and interfaith relationships. After all, for a Muslim to worship Christ is to risk life and limb, yet Saada counted the cost, even facing his relatives with his new found faith. This book is a fascinating window into the book of Genesis, Islamic culture and the Arab-Israeli conflict. More importantly, it is a story of the ultimate hope rooted in Christ, the Savior of all–including Jews and Muslims.

  • Behaving Wisely-One Man’s Journey From Betrayal to Blessing, by Brian Johnson

    What do you do when it appears your world is falling apart all around you, and no matter what you try to do to fix things, it doesn’t seem to work? You look back with regrets and then you understand how important it is to look ahead with hope.

    That is what Brian Johnson did in his book Behaving Wisely…Follow him as he walks you through the surprising end of his marriage and see how he used his painful circumstances as an opportunity to trust in, and glorify God.

  • Redemptive Divorce, by Mark Gaither

    A Biblical Process that Offers Guidance for the Suffering Partner, Healing for the Offending Spouse, and the Best Catalyst for Restoration.

Fruit of Forgiveness Blog

Helping the Thinker to Believe and the Believer to Think